I realized that I didn’t post a photo of the outside hall to my room, so there you go.
Today we woke up at 6am.. (weird that we wake up earlier and earlier) and then we went to the computer lab to research how to go to namsan. Afterward, we ate at the restaurant near our dorm . we got american style breakfast. apparently I learned that I have been eating with fork and knives wrong all my life. Yvette taught me the “proper” american way of eating with the untensils.
now time to head for Namsan Tower~~

hehe we saw a poster of 2pm and t-ara

we are on the bus from Shincheon station! it was hard finding it since he had to get out of seoul. Luckily we asked a graduate from Ewa University, (across the street of yonsei international) and she led us to the stop. she was really nice. we had a small conversation about why we were here and what’s our major. haha we have the same major ” biochemistry” she was surprised and it seemed like she wanted to say more, but couldnt about our major because we don’t understand korean that well. she had the urge to keep talking to me in korean because according to her I look like I’m korean haha.
it was very easy to get in to the station. Yvette and I bought a t-money card that hangs on our phones (6,000won) at a near by family mart and recharged it with 10,ooowon for transportation. we used it for the station. we got out of line 2 and switched to line 4 at dongdaemun and got off of myeong dong (third stop). we walked up this very steep hill and went up the stairs.looks like we are almost there right? we were soo wrong.
we found a shrine, but turns out to be closed =(. after we passed this area, we learned that we walked the wrong direction (walked down the hill and it slowly started to rain..and eventually got VERY heavy.

this is how the hiking area looks.
here we thought we arrived at the tower place. But, we found out that this was not the tower, but instead the Namsan tower’s library. =( soo.. we had more stairs to climb. the total trip of the climb up that mountain was like 1.9 km. but we went down the hill. so we walked abour .3 km i think the translation of 1.9km is like 6 miles.. 

yikes every step had alot of water. we were soo tired… that we decided to take a rest from the heavy rain and wind.

we did eventually made it up to the tower.. but we found out that it was raining soo hard with the, fog, we wouldnt see anything. so, we decided to go to the Teddy Bear Museum instead and come back another day by riding the cable car.
since posting the teddy photos would take forever, if u want to see all of them, look at my facebook. but I will post some videos here. later . btw, the teddybear in the museum moves. this is the photo of us going down from the cable car.

yup. that was the mountain we
climbed to get up to that tower.

weird bugs that we saw was we walk down from the cable car to the streets..
afterward, we went inside a shoping mall and then into a department store called Shinsagae. after we went through about half of the 14 floors, we went out and back to the dorm. After we got back, we went into kkini restaurant and I ate Shoyu Ramen. surprisingYvette isnt hungry. I dont think she plans to eat anything the rest of the night. After I ate, I came down to the computer lab to type this blog for 2-3 hrs. well that's practically the whole day. I can’t post alll the photos, but I did post majority excluding the teddy bear museum. it’s already posted on the gallery if you can see that. well good night! we will probably do mroe exploring tomorrow~