Monday, June 27, 2011

Day 5 setting up bank accounts, cellphone, and paid the classes/housing 6/27/11

This morning, we woke up at 7 but we didn't go out until 11am between those time, both of us were talking to our parents and friends on aim and skype. We walked to the woori bank to set up our accounts. two of the worker there spoke english, while one didn't. I realized that alot of people that works here actually don't speak english even though they are inside or near a International school. well after we set up our account, we went back to our school to try the atm with our checking book. but turns our we couldn't use it because it requires an admission number or a activation number. we end up going back to the bank again and got a checking card. yvette transfer the money she needed to to her housing and tuition. When ti was my turn, becuase there was a long line behind me, I messed up typing in the account to send and end up making a mistake. we went back to the bank and lucky it was an error and wasn't sent to an account. so I did the transaction again and it worked. we went back to millennium hall and got our phones to work and got our t-shirts for yonsei. we went to the cafeteria to eat [ i got kimchi chigae] yum. I also took Yvette's seaweed soup since she would be too full. Afterward, I got a Red Bean Icecream bar. after we finish eating, decided to look for our class that will be held tomorrow. I left my camera, so all these photos are taken by Yvette.

this is the building where two of our classes are held.

this is the stadium, where concerts or important events are probably held.

looks nice.. I don't know what this building is but it is right next to the building for our class. we met two people from Singapore who are also taking the same class as us.

on our way back to our dorms, we decided to take a short cut through the yonsei forest. we found this random statue there.

a random street in the main street of yonsei Univ.

this is their logo.

we got back to our room and I decided to make his new blog so that it isn't as messed up as the previous one. this blog took me about 4-5 hours to fix. =o

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